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Wild Card There are just some movies where it should just be easy, with the right star and the right formula and things just take care of themselves but then there are movies where they have all
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the elements in place, and they still screw it up. For everyone involved, Wild Card should have been an easy lay-up but we get an awkwardly paced and mostly ineffective yarn that was overcast to the point of distraction and underdeveloped as it tries to be seedy and somewhat serious but just ends up laying there.
Its another day in the life of Nick Wild (Jason Statham), a Las Vegas bodyguard whose lethal professionally but poison to himself when hes at the tables. When a friend of his gets beaten and raped by a sadistic thug, Nick strikes back as only Nick can but finds out that this thug is the son of an infamous mob boss and he is in over his head as the criminal underworld is playing for keeps and all they want is blood.
It should have been a movie that made itself, but Wild Card is trying so hard to be a seedy and gritty Vegas crime drama but it falls apart thanks to a weak script and a cast that just forgets to give a damn as everyone involved knows it was just an excuse to collect a paycheck and hangout in Vegas.
Director Simon West, having worked in Las Vegas before and on big budget action flicks should know better. Its shot well enough but we never truly connect to anything that is happening on the big screen and it plays rather generic and flat as we drift th onitsuka tiger 6pm rough this story that never has anything meaningful to say with it. Considering the level of talent that were all involved it just kind of lies there not giving a damn and it is unfortunate. This movie could have been fun, bu asics california 78 t the dialogue clunks and the character development is pretty nonexistent as we get an array of name actors showing up for one or two scenes while we wonder what our leading man is doing there in the first place. William Goldmans script, adapted from his own novel just never resonates and seems out of place in the 21st century. Remaking a mediocre movie based on a pulp novel is doomed for failure no matter how good the cast is.
Jason Statham is a legit action star, but with only a handful of legitimate action scenes,

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one wonders why they paid Corey Yuen to  onitsuka tiger navy come i
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n and be the action director in a movie that barely had any action to begin with. While Milo Ventimiglia gets to chew every bit of scenery around him as the over the top gangster only Michael Angarano gets any character development for the sake of character development as a sort of kindred spirit with Nicks wayward soul, just trying to live more in the moment rather than being afraid his entire life. Stanley Tucci gets a fun moment as a casino boss, but otherwise the likes of Hope Davis, Anne Heche, Jason Alexander and Sofia Vergara are all there just for the hell of it without a single solitary thing to do, and it sucks.
Wild Card just wants to be more then it is as it aspires to be a grimy Vegas crime thriller, but in reality it is just another limp narrative thrust on the screen hoping to make a couple of bucks as every single person involved in this movie was just asleep at the wheel from preproduction through final editing. No one is putting this on their resumes and is just quietly hoping to move along from it as best they can.
1 out of 5 stars.
Wild Card is open in select theatres across the country tomorrow and everywhere on VOD.